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lunedì 21 luglio 2008

What Is Total Quality Control?

This weekend I was reading a nice book: "What Is Total Quality Control?" writen by Kaoru Ishikawa. What captured my attention is the idea that a Quality Control based on Inspection is not effective. He states clearly that "the fundamental concept of Quality Control is error's prevenction". As simple as that! Ishikawa wrote his book in 1992 and was focused mainly in manufacturing industry, nevertheless I have two things in mind:
  1. It applies to the IT industry as well
  2. It has not been applied to IT industry yet.
It is important to underline that the nature of IT's application lifecycle is quite short compared to normal manufactured goods but it is also important to understand that testing is not the most effective way to improve application's quality.
Functional Testing, Unit Testing, Performance Testing, Automated Testing etc are inspective controls that can be improved but they represents a reactive step. When you start testing you have already a product.

Quality Lifecycle has to start in the design phase with a strong analysis of requirements and coding methods.

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